Project development in Berlin-Buch

Project development in Berlin-Buch

Fin-de-siecle Art Niveau building

Project development:
Purchase • Reconstruction • Sale


Wolfgang-Heintz-Str. 20-25
Bruno-Apitz-Str. 2-12
Friedrich-Richter-Str. 21-55 / 40-46
Franz-Schmidt-Str. 11-17

This 748-unit prefabricated building complex in the Berlin Buch district was refurbished and modernised in 1998/99.


Object details
Number of residential units : 748
Residential floor space : 52.395 m²
Total investment : approx. 65 Mio. DM
Renovation proportion : approx. 37 Mio. DM
Built in : 1986/87


The total project has been realized and sold in 1999.